Issue Position: Family Values

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Marriage

Amy Stephens is a bold, conservative leader and tireless defender of conservative values. Social liberals and populist politicians are trying to erode our way of life and traditions, but Majority Leader Amy Stephens stood up and lead the fight to protect life, marriage, families, and religious freedom for all of us!

For over thirty years Majority Leader Amy Stephens has relentlessly championed pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-family initiatives and policies.

Whether it's working for a pro-life pregnancy center, as a national speaker, in her own private business, or through her 10 years at Focus on the Family public policy manager and head of the their youth culture division, Amy Stephens has led the fight.

As a legislator Amy Stephens sponsored and supported legislation to protect unborn children from violence (HB12-1130, HB10-1261).

Furthermore, Majority Leader Amy Stephens has consistently supported traditional marriage between one man and one woman and consistently stood against civil unions.

Republicans set out the 2012 session with a "clearing the way" agenda to promote jobs and the economy. In contrast, we saw Democrats play political volleyball with civil unions in order to line their own 2012 fundraising pockets to the detriment of Colorado values.

After holding the civil union bill for 112 days in the Democrat controlled Senate, they tried to lob a bomb over to the House Republicans only to motivate their base to raise money for November. Rarely in the history of the Colorado House of Representatives have we seen anything like those last days of the legislature.

Amy Stephens answered every phone call and email, and when Amy explained her consistent opposition to same-sex marriage, unlike her opponent, our House leadership stood strong to defend traditional family values. Amy Stephens had no intention of circumventing the will of the people from 2006 when we voted to define marriage between one man and one woman, this issue belongs with us the people!

Civil Unions threatened to tear at the very fabric of our culture and the values of House District 19. You can count on Amy for consistent conservative leadership.

Amy has vigorously defended the church, family, and religious freedom by the amendments she attaches to bills that would try to further the civil union debate in the legislature.

In 2006, when Democrats ran a bill (known as the "bathroom bill") forcing employers and potentially churches to set up separate bathrooms for transgender individuals, Amy ran an amendment to exempt and protect religious institutions and organizations.

Amy Stephens has proudly accepted the endorsement of former U.S. Attorney Mike Norton, who has spoken frequently and persuasively about how our religious freedoms are being eroded and why it's time to step up and get involved. Mike knows better than most about the constant barrage of pro-abortion attacks this President is leveling against the church. Mike knows that electing candidates like Amy is critical to blunting those attacks.

Amy Stephens Men and Women of Faith teams are led by Carrie Gordon-Earll and Steve Reed. Whether it's same-sex civil unions in Colorado or pro-abortion decisions by the Obama Administration, every day there is a new assault on our traditional family values. We need a strong team to stand up to these assaults.

Amy Stephens is a leader, not a follower, when it comes to protecting the family values of House District 19, she will never back down!
